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From: "Alice Turner" <al@interport.net>
Subject: (urth) Disclave, May 1-3
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 23:27:06 

[Posted from URTH, a mailing list about Gene Wolfe's New Sun and other works]

Disclave is a "bookish" convention in Washington D.C. May1-3. Gene Wolfe is
Guest of Honor. I have been asked if I want to participate on a panel (this
was suggested by the other GoH, Terry Bisson, a good friend of mine who
knows about our group).

Well, I'm not much of a convention person, and usually I just do an editors
panel on the rare occasions when I attend---but this time I wondered if any
of you guys would be interested in coming, and if maybe we could put
together a panel from the group. I'm sure they'd be interested. If *you*are,
maybe it would be best to email me. Also email ideas on how to organize it,
as I'm kind of a neophyte.

I'm sure most of you know that Wolfe is also GoH at the World Fantasy
Convention in Baltimore at Halloween, and maybe you were planning to go to
that instead if only one trip east is in the crystal ball. If we can't get
it together for D.C., maybe we could do that one. But the advantage here is
that I've actually been *asked*! Also, it will be much smaller, I would
think, which could be a plus in terms of big fish, little fish. Or not.


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