From: "Alice Turner" <al@interport.net> Subject: (urth) Hethor Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 19:25:12 [Posted from URTH, a mailing list about Gene Wolfe's New Sun and other works] mantis, >"BEOCCA AND HETHOR, monks and martyrs of Chertsey (Surrey), killed by >the Danes in 870. The memory of these monks, supposed to be as many >as ninety, was kept alive in fragmentary chronicles and by William of >Malmesbury. Their deaths, like those of monks of Peterborough, >Bardney, Ely, and Crowland, were believed to be the work of the same >Danish army as that which killed Edmund of East Anglia. It seems >unlikely that the number of the monks concerned is accurate. Feast: >10 April. >"G.P., p. 143; R.P.S.; C.S.P." (THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF SAINTS, >third edition). Well, GDItH, I own that book, that edition, and I feel absolutely cheated that it's under "B!" Jeez, is there no justice? But seriously, this is a clue that it is a false name. Hethor should not have a saint's name; like Jonas he could have a biblical name, or he could have a "modern" name, biblical or not. This is the first time I have considered Kimleesoong seriously as his name. Hmmmm. >There is talk in UotNS of sailors getting older, younger, or just staying the >same forever, but that is on the ship of Tzadkiel and not Urth. It could be >that Hethor found himself in the antichamber, but was able to escape with his >powers of thaumatugy (after fathering children, or whatever), and then perhaps >spent more time in space before coming back to Urth in Severian's era. I am sure this is true. >Of course, Jonas and Hethor (if KLS is indeed his real name) are both Korean, >but they served on different ships, or did they? Jonas is Korean? How so? >Are the Quasar and Fortunate Cloud the same? They can't be. Wolfe plays lots of tricks, but not that kind of tricks. >Incidentally, Severian says to the Hierodules (Famulimus, Babatus, and >Ossipago) that Hethor never mentioned his ship's name, but he did, and it was >the Quasar. So whose memory is at fault here, Severian or Wolfe's? Hmmmm. I know you're right, but citation please. (chapter, since we've all got different editions. -alga- *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/