From: "Dan'l Danehy Oakes" <DDANEHYO@us.oracle.com> Subject: (urth) Stuff to read... Date: 07 May 98 07:46:45 J.Shultz wrote: > Speaking of this, anyone have any suggestions for further reading. Further than what? 8*) You might check out the recent discussion of a "syllabus" for an introductory BotNS class. There's been a lot of good stuff mentioned there (and some real trash). > I'm hungry for a good story and I can get lost in a bookstore for > hours without ever making a decision. Any help in the right > direction would be appreciated. Hoom. Well, there are a few SF writers out there with literary aspirations and executions as high as Wolfe, or nearly so: Dan Simmons comes to mind, as does Samuel R. Delany. Ursula K. Le Guin -- though she seems less likely to appeal to a Wolfe fan. Tim Powers is not quite as good, but packs a lot of layers of meaning into his work anyway. A few individual books I've read lately that I can recommend: Matt Ruff's "Sewer, Gas, and Electric," which is almost impossible to describe. A computerized ghost of Ayn Rand is a major character; so is a giant flying shark. If that doesn't grab you, forget it, the book's not for you. If it does -- the book is a major hoot. Say: what ever happened to the idea of "Wolfe" and "Lupine" lists...? -- Roach *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/