From: "Alice Turner" <al@interport.net> Subject: (urth) Nessus Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 09:03:48 Welcome, Matthew, >In the light of the above I don't see much good to be had trying to identify >Nessus or other landmarks from our Earth, but to nay-say Buenos Aires: Nessus >isn't and wasn't a coastal city; the plate river isn't big enough; Um, Nessus isn't now but *was* a coastal city. Can't recall off-hand who, but one of the "wise" characters (one of the ones we can trust) tells Sev that. Which goes along with my own theory that Nessus is a post-Alexandria. (Oh, I know, I know, no one wants to hear this. But it's a lovely theory, and I can go on and on and......on.) Nice to see all you Brits aboard. So I'll throw in a Brit recommendation. Those of you who have some interest in Dr. Talos's play, or just like the theatrical atmosphere, would like Barry Unsworth's -Morality Play-, about a troupe of players, set in 14th century England. The twists in it, and even the general atmosphere, are quite Wolfean. -alga- *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/