From: Peter Westlake <peter@harlequin.co.uk> Subject: Re: (urth) proposed `Delage' collage for NYRSF Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 08:44:30 +0100 At 12:16 1998-05-16 +0000, Damien wrote: >Hi team > >I've just suggested this to one of the editors at the New York Review of >SF, and would like to hear from the relevant list posters if it's cool to >snaffle their glittering words, with acknowledgement: > >< I've lately been on the URTH email list, devoted to Book of the New Sun >and other non Long Sun Wolfeana. Very smart, funny, divergent minds. One >minor thread has tried to work out what's going on in Wolfe's quite short >story, `Suzanne Delage'. I'd like to create a kind of collage of the >posts-to-date as an article. Obviously I'd get permission from the >contestants. > Contestants? >I would guess that they'd want to see it (or samples) before accepting it >on my say-so, but I'll take the chance and do the compiling, unless anyone >objects. Fine by me, though you might want to snip email addresses. Peter. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/