From: "Alice Turner" <al@smtp.emailserv.com> Subject: (urth) not more couch! Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 14:57:25 Just as I was ready to leave it alone for good, I note that in F&FS Esther Friesner has played our game, also with the cast of the late (not terribly) lamented, for DUNE this time. It's funny enough to pass on: Paul Atreides: Jerry Lady Jessica: Elaine Baron Harkonnen: Newman Feyd-Rautha: Kramer Duncan Idaho: George But wait, there's more! John Kessel casts TBOTNS: Severian: Leo Thecla: Helena Bonham-Carter (aren't these people a little s-h-o-r-t?) Thea: Joanna Going (huh?) Vodalus: Andre Braugher (ditto?) Master Gurloes: John Hurt (that's not bad) Master Palaemon: Morgan Freeman Dorcas: Gabrielle Anwar (also huh? from me) Agia: Nicole Kidman Agilus: Kevin Bacon Jolenta: Julia Ormond Dr. Talos: Gary Oldman Baldanders: Arnold Hildegrin: Peter Postlethwaite (?) Hethor: John Malkovich The Autarch: Kenneth Branagh This is a whole issue on the movies, and kind of fun (July). -alga- *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/