From: Peter Westlake <peter@harlequin.co.uk> Subject: Re: (urth) Cues Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 10:49:03 +0100 At 14:56 1998-05-24 -0500, adam louis stephanides wrote: >In this spirit, I'd like to see what people think about "Cues." I've wondered about "Cues" too: on the face of it, it could be a straightforward shaggy dog story, existing just to set up the pun; but there are hints of something more. The galaxy-goblin spaceship isn't the only slip: right at the end the ball says "I bed your pardon". Unless it's a typo, of course. The "Coalstack Nebula" looks like a real joke by the ball, but I'm not sure why coalstacks (chimneys) would be funnier than coal sacks! I wonder whether the balls really do have a sense of humour, or whether we are seeing them through the n-s-y man's perceptions? But the ball does seem to know how to answer the cue at the end. That's two kinds of cue in the story: if the balls were smaller, we might get a third in somehow. Peter. "Doctor, doctor! I keep thinking I'm a billiard ball!" "I'm sorry, please wait at the end of the ... *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/