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From: m.driussi@genie.com
Subject: (urth) 5HC--semi-Marsch
Date: Thu,  4 Jun 98 21:52:00 GMT

(sorry these citations are for Ace--we need a conversion table asap)

Journal of Marsch

 cut pages--first three (p. 152)
 Observations on Frenchman's Landing (p. 153)
 "There was a native race" (p. 156)
 March 13--interview Mrs. Mary Blount (p. 15)
<a few pages later>
 March ??--interview Mr. D (p. 160)
 March 19(? two days before entry p. 196?)--interview M. Culot
(p. 160) and same night interview Dr. Hagsmith (p. 162).
<page later>

 March 20?--interview M.d'F, who mentions ruins and cave (p. 165)
(p. 195)
 March 21--meet R.T. and V.R.T. (p. 196)
 March 22--with R.T. and V.R.T. to ruins (p. 203)

<twenty or thirty pages after interview M.d'F>
 April ??--list of equipment, including books "most bought in
Roncenvaux" (p. 166)
 April 6--first night out (p. 167)
 April 7--through Frogtown (p. 169)
 April 8--the cat appears (p. 170)
 April 10--talking to V.R.T. (first time named as such) regarding
his future (p. 172)
 April 11--referencing the Field Guide, "single brain shot" of
unlisted big animal at a full three hundred yards (p. 176)
 April 12--boy washing post-coitus/ghoul-bear attack (p. 243)
 April 15--small tracks of might be children around kill (p.
 April 16--talking to V.R.T. regarding an anthro book he has
read, V.R.T.'s mimicing Marsch and Hagsmith (p. 247)
 April 21--shot a prance pony as staking animal for the tire-
tiger (p. 250)
 "April 22"--shooting the tire-tiger (p. 259)
 "April 23"--cat bites hand, causing bad penmanship (p. 259)
 "April 24"--eating the prance-pony (p. 260)
 "April 25"--break camp (p. 260)
 "April 26"--the boy is dead; I lied about the date (it is really
June 1); I killed the cat (p. 260)
 June 3--higher in the hills (p. 262)
 June 4--Puss-in-Boots (p. 263)
 June 6--marched all day (p. 265)
 June 7--last entry (p. 266)

<Three Years in the field, then travel to Sainte Croix.>

<One Year after arriving in Sainte Croix>
 June 5--arrested (p. 267)


 Second: (p. 218)
 Fifth: (p. 214)
 Seventeenth: (p. 151) and notes (p. 253)

END OF LISTS (having failed to integrate the rambling and scattered
prisoner's notes)


*More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/

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