From: m.driussi@genie.geis.com Subject: (urth) Re: hierarchy of days Date: Fri, 3 Jul 98 03:42:00 GMT prion, IIRC, the purpose of the "days of the week and associated gods" experiment was related to divining some of the hidden structure to Doctor Talos's play "Eschatology & Genesis," which might have seven segments (the stage darkens between these segments) and the play presumably ends with the arrival of the New Sun (the "genesis" part, and there is a cast role for "New Sun"); hence, the play ends by definition on "(New)Sunday," which hints at further "divine week" patterns of one sort or another. Plus, in the play we see various archetypes scurrying around trying to position themselves for the new world order. Again, this seems to me like the situation of the Titans as the Olympians were coming to power, or later on, the Olympians as the Christians were coming to power. The character of the Autarch in the play seems to me like a very Saturnian figure--in the end he razes the gardens (note harvesting imagery: check) in an attempt to halt the new genesis--oh Nero! (It is my understanding that the celestial Titans were the original gods of the days of the week, fwiw.) And the play seems to loom large in the deeper structure of Severian's Narrative, at least equal to the stories in the brown book. But the experiment was of dubious success and I haven't made much progress in grasping the entire matter of the play, alas! For example, we (I) should be able to piece together what the missing sections of the play have based upon (1) the characters on the list not yet introduced in the play as we have it, and (2) the action within Severian's Narrative related to the analogous characters that Severian meets and interacts with. For example, "Angelic Being" is obviously Tzadkiel in Severian's life--but how would that complex situation on ship and Yesod be represented in one or two segments of a rollicking play like "Eschatology & Genesis"? And what does "The Moon" do in the play, when Lune only acted like a weeping Valeria for a moment in Severian's life in Ushas? (Unless somehow we work in that whole "Valeria's assassination as a solar eclipse" thing . . . ) =mantis= *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/