From: m.driussi@genie.com Subject: (urth) Hierodules Date: Wed, 2 Sep 98 13:52:00 GMT Mark Millman, Good summary of the possibilities. Interesting how native lifespan figures into time travellers: OB&F (dog lifespan); Inire (past his years); Father Thyme (physically ages as he travels); Master Ash (hint of Thyme as he walks to answer the door--Severian hears old footsteps growing young and virile). In thinking about the odd trinity of OB&F, working off the idea of B&F being children and/or larvae, and assuming that once they are grown up O will leave them as two, a couple--then I wonder about Adam and Eve, and the naked couple dropped of by Hierodules in the play as well as (repeatedly?) in the reality. (Re-seeding the fairie, as it were.) Or do they just grow up into those silent giant statues that roam the gardens of the House Absolute? They are certainly alike in terms of angelic beauty. =mantis= *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/