From: CRCulver@aol.com Subject: (urth) Musings on the Hierodule fieldguide Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 20:03:22 EDT <???--Father Inire. He's a hunched little guy, a Daedalus or Hephaestus or Toth, and since Toth is the most ancient I tend to think of Inire as being something like Toth's totem, the ibis, a bent neck little bird hobbling around, finding treasures in the muck. (Of course, he's also Lewdis Carnal, Victorian child pornographer, hunched over his primitive camera obscena. <g>)> Happily, Inire seems to be just enamoured by little exultantesses, and there is no evidence of his actually molesting them. Boy, wouldn't that be an embarassment to the reign of the Autarch Severian. I'm sure Inire has a longer lifespan than other Hierodules, considering he easily surivived ~2 chiliads as grand vizier (but what happened to him after Severian sailed to Yesod???) Mantis compares Inire to a bird, but I believe the monkey comparison is used more than once in the ol' manuscripts <There are more Hierodules onboard the time saucer. Dr. Talos wants them to come out and blast/scare the natives.> Do you mean the so-called "fantassins?" Fantassination is one of the least- discussed aspects of Hierodulic technology, and I wish Wolfe would share more. Perhaps the fantassins about the Ship of the Hierodules are the same who tried to subdue Baldanders at the House Absolute. Christopher R. Culver <crculver@aol.com> http://members.aol.com/crculver/index.html *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/