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From: Patri10629@aol.com
Subject: (urth) Re:  Wolfe Fans/critics--a note of interest
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 21:57:36 EDT

Some good news to all

Wolfe stuff Forwarded from Lawrence Person, editor, NOVA EXPRESS. 


Patrick O'Leary (Now reading at a Webpage near you..)

<A HREF="http://www.scifi.com/set/readings/oleary/">Seeing Ear Theatre |

From Lawrence:

	Hi there! Just a quick note to let you know that there will be an
interview with Gene Wolfe in the forthcoming issue of Nova Express. In it
he talks about The Fifth Head of Cerberus, the Urth Cycle, The Book of the
Long Sun, the forthcoming Book of the Short Sun, and helping design the
machine that makes Pringles potato chips, among other topics of interest to
the readers of this list. (Gene's comment on the interview proof:"It seems
to me like a very good piece.")
	Also, should anyone care to submit any reviews or articles about
Wolfe's work, I'd happily take a look at them for this issue. (We're also
interested other pieces on the best work done in the modern SF/F/H genre.)
I'd especially like a meaty, insightful review of The Book of the Long Sun,
since I have heretofore been too lazy to undertake such a daunting task
myself. Unfortunately, the deadline for having work in for this issue is
October 10. I would have sent this notice to this list earlier, but I just
didn't think about it until now. (Doh!) Submission guidelines can be found
at the Nova Express website (URL below), but basically 5,000 words or less
for articles, e-mail submissions OK, we use a one-time copyright with all
rights reverting to the author after publication, and payment is in
contributor copies + a four issue subscription.

(Posted (probably redundantly) to both Urth and Whorl lists.)

Lawrence Person, Editor
Nova Express

*More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/

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