From: m.driussi@genie.com Subject: (urth) Science, Her Methods Date: Wed, 14 Oct 98 00:26:00 GMT Re: Science, scientists, and the Scientific Method. I thought that Science proceeded by way of cutting edge experiments; said experiments derived from hyptotheses (by definition based upon guesses), and by definition these experiments are "successful" less than one hundred percent of the time. In fact, the failures usually =outnumber= the successes. In any event, it is a =guessing= game. Am I wrong? Did all that intellectual labor go out with the alchemists? Has Science become some sort of orthodoxy of divine transmission? Have scientists become a species of cargo cult, waiting for the next Truth to come tumbling out the cornucopia of the vast complex? (Here, let me hook up my 1989 cold fusion reactor to my mid-century Dean Drive. Quick trip to see the canals of Mars.) =mantis= *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/