From: "Kieran Cleary" <kierannwn@tinet.ie> Subject: Re: (urth) Severian of OED Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 11:58:32 +0100 mantis, one of the reasons I liked BotNS so much, I think, was the sense of a compressed, palimpsest-like complexity. By the time I had joined the list, I had read BotNS about four or five times, at which stage I still had questions, or at least questionable interpretations. For me, at this remove, the issues for which it's possible to frame rigorous and consensually reasonable accounts have largely been discussed in the list. We will, in the end, never know (by examination of the text) the purpose of the Witches' table, the explanation for Agilus' ribbon, etc. These loose ends are tantalising, and maybe aren't just decorative. However, I'm content to bask in the warm entropic fug of ambiguity, which I think is an essential and familiar ingredient of reading Wolfe. Literary Luddite? Maybe, but then I'm a reader, not a literary critic. Unlike most things, I don't want to take it apart so much that I can see how it works. Kieran Cleary North West Labs Finisklin Industrial Estate Sligo Republic of Ireland Tel. +353 71 69441 Fax. +353 71 69451 email: kierannwn@tinet.ie *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/