From: Peter Stephenson <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it> Subject: Re: (urth) Terminus est--another military procurement fiasco? Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:58:44 +0200 "Kevin J. Maroney" wrote: > Think about the stroke involved in beheading a prisoner. The sword is > raised overhead and brought down in a smooth circle. Gravity, not the > centrifugal effect, is what moves the quicksilver. As the sword passes the > point at which it is horizontal to the ground, the tip becomes much > heavier, and gravity brings the mercury into the tip. That can't be quite right, since until it's horizontal gravity is keeping the mercury at the hilt end. Long ago I used to play with things where what I was later taught to call `inertia' (or, in a rather supercilious physicist's tone, `so-called centrifugal force' --- the superciliousness was implied rather than actually expressed, you know how these things work) where a loose object would move to the end of the stick by the time I'd got it horizontal. I would contend that if that *doesn't* happen here, the mercury is moving too slowly to make it useful when cutting people's (such as supercilious physicists') heads off. The real question is the dynamics of the mercury in the groove. Also fairly long ago, I (or a brother) had a mercury maze where you rolled a ball of mercury around. I suppose that in the sword it would be ball-like, too, so it would behave better than, say, water. So maybe it would work after all. I've had doubts, but I expect Wolfe as an engineer would know better than a supercilious physicist. > Thus, the lichtor can > raise the sword slowly and bring it down very quickly. That's what gravity's for in any case. In the total process of lifting and lowering through a full cycle, only the weight counts. The theory is that the mercury gives it that last bit of oomph just where it's a going through some stiff bits of bone and gristle in someone's neck. I'd love to see this demonstrated... err, maybe not on a human. > It's a ceremonial sword of office. Who other than the torturers would want it > ? Yes, unless some eccentric armiger had it made because he thought it would be useful and found it wasn't. (SDI?) I can think of one use... classical art is full of pictures of Judith about to cut off the head of Holofernes, or just after (but not usually in the middle). In particular, there's a statue by Donatello in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence with a particularly weedy Judith waving an overgrown dagger at the massive trunk of Holofernes' neck, and it all seems a little futile. A decent carnifex' sword would certainly help. (There's another Judith and Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi, and this time it's quite clear who's got the upper hand. It's about to be very, very messy.) -- Peter Stephenson <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it> Tel: +39 050 844536 WWW: http://www.ifh.de/~pws/ Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarotti 2, 56100 Pisa, Italy *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/