From: Fantasma <cglst7+@pitt.edu> Subject: (urth) The Wolfe Library Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 21:52:00 Not to rudely change subject, but since we're in the constructive mood, a question. I'm new to the list, and though I've reviewed the archives I don't think that this question has been raised, which frankly stuns me. To wit: What is the Essential Gene Wolfe Library? I realize that this is as much about authors (and readers, Wolfe is quick to note) as books, but I'm interested in what people think about this and what level of authority is possible. From my limited experience and perception, and straight from Wolfe's own mouth (or letter-writing pen), I could think of five essentials, including other influential books by the same author-- The Book of Imaginary Beings, Jorge Luis Borges (Ficciones, The Aleph and Other Stories) The Dying Earth, Jack Vance The Everlasting Man, G. K. Chesterton (The Man Who Was Friday, Autobiography, Father Brown et al) Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov Michaelmas, Algis Budrys (Rogue Moon, Who?) This is all in addition to the reference section of our Library. The Compact OED, principally, which has been repeatedly substituted for the minds and careers of the people on this list (just playin', guys, just playin'). A good encyclopedia (my favorite is the rare 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1910-1911). A good "Lives of the Saints" (the Penguin dictionary is probably the most accurate). Mrs. Byrne's dictionary. *The New York Times' Guide to Misspelled, etc*. I'm sure that people could supplement this with resources outside of language, which is the only thing I am fairly familiar with. If people really think this is as interesting to establish as I do, then there should be an illustrious, enigmatic approval committee, in which case I hesitantly nominate myself as Chairman. No, really, you're too kind. -A Slightly Apprehensive Fantasma *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/