From: m.driussi@genie.com Subject: (urth) Pat at bat Date: Mon, 1 Feb 99 19:05:00 GMT Patrick, Now, now! You can't just say that "Nova Express" has a "wonderful review of the Long Sun Books" and leave it at that. After all! You have strong opinions! You've read quite a bit of Wolfe crit, you've writ some, and you've voiced some passions on the various modes of interpreting and discussing Wolfe's work. You've written on TBOTLS; it is one of your favorites; you have authority on it. We look to you for guidance general and quirky: honestly, how do you like and/or rate the Wolfe crit? I've read it, and I'll bet a few others around here have, too, so it isn't a case of spoiling it or talking about something nobody else has seen. To the contrary, discussion might spur sales--it certainly couldn't hurt sales. And furthermore, you also know something about Oz, do you not? Since I know nearly nothing, I'm counting on you to keep an eye on the Oz thread. (I'm sure alga is watching, too, but you Oz people are so quiet!) Talk, Patrick, talk! =mantis= *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/