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From: Doug Eigsti <douge@nti.com>
Subject: (urth) COMICS
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 09:12:12 

Cliff Drane,

	I can recommend the three SHADOW comics. The artwork is the best at
representing the feel of the book; better than any of the book covers I
have seen. And the Maitz covers are my favorite, as covers. These comics do
more than grab the eye of the bookstore browser trying to judge by the
cover. They have an odd quality that I found appropriate to Severian's
tale. If I am not mistaken, Gene Wolfe did the adaptation. Of course the
text is abridged. But the essentials to the story are still there. You will
be disappointed however, disappointed that there are only three issues and
they only take you part way into SHADOW. I would have liked to see the
completed series. Well worth twice the price just to see some of the scenes


Doug Eigsti
DDI Colorado Springs			e-mail: douge@nti.com
980 Technology Ct.			Phone: 719 637-2410
Colorado Springs
Colorado 81915-3628			Fax:719 596-9158	

*More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/

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