From: "Alice Turner" <akt@ibm.net> Subject: (urth) Re: Digest urth.v026.n001 Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 08:54:00 > --------------- MESSAGE urth.v026.n001.9 --------------- > > From: "Ori Kowarsky" <orik@sprint.ca> > Christoper R. Culver wrote: > > "I think that the "judge" version of Tzadkiel, analogous to the Archangel > Michael, would be certainly be divine. Whether of not he receives > communication directly from the Pancreator is one of the more interesting > mysteries of _Urth_." > > I do not blieve that Tzad is remotely connected to the Archangel Michael, in > either motive or substance. If he comes off like an angel on the Day of > Jugement this is a carefully orchestated effect, done for the benefit of Sev > and his personal, shall we say, demons. Now wait a sec here. Tzadkiel is not Michael but s/he certainly is an angel, not an archangel like Michael, but a sufficiently great and important being for Urth/Ushas. S/he is the Angel of Divine Justice. (My info comes from Gustav Davidson's -A Dictionary of Angels-, Free Press 1967, which is not one of those idiotic gift-books of angels, but a scholarly work). I don't have the book to hand, so cannot tell you more, but I do have a xerox of the list of the 30 top angels (and the 103 fallen angels). -alga *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/