From: Carlos Martinho <carlosom71@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: (urth) Deluge, Hierodules, Materialism Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 11:55:42 Hi! It's my first post. This materialism/supernaturalism question in TBONS and UOTNS is quite interesting, so... I guess it's a mistake to attempt to put Wolfe's work in one of these categories, or read it in a "materalistic" or "supernaturalistic" view. The TBONS universe is so old that every distintion of this kind makes no more sense in the minds of the people who live there, and it's a new approach to us -- a approach that we have to grasp. It's a universe where the scientific facts are seen just as the magic of the Increate, after all. I guess that the best aproach would be to see the Increate as a god on the Spinozean sense: the Substance. And, if all of us are tools of the Increate, why couldn't Tzadikiel be some sort of high-high-high-tech android and the archangel Gabriel at the same time? an angel, after all, is just a messenger -- a tool -- of the Increate... === "The nostalgia of things unknown, of lands forgotten or unfound, is upon me at times. Often I long for the gleam of yellow suns upon terraces of translucent azure marble, mocking the windless waters of lakes unfathomably calm" Clark Ashton Smith, "Nostalgia of the Unknown" _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/