From: Paul C Duggan <pduggan@world.std.com> Subject: (urth) eating memories Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 21:29:12 the memories contained in a single cell certainly doesn't have a scientific basis. There was some speculation about rna-memory transfer (based on statiticly invalid samples) from planarians fed other planarians who had learned to do t-mazes did the t-maes faster than other planarians. Larry Niven made alot out of this memory-rna transfer schtick in his stories, but AFAIK, its a scientific dead end. "I am an impure thinker. I am hurt, swayed, shaken, | paul + | + elated, disillusioned, shocked, comforted, and I | --|-- have to transmit my mental experiences lest I die." | + | + -- Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy | pduggan@world.std.com *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/