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From: "Jim Henley" <jlhenley@erols.com>
Subject: RE: (urth) Gods and Spirits: Wolfe and Lewis: Till We Have Faces
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 20:16:52 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: urth-errors@lists.best.com [mailto:urth-errors@lists.best.com]On
> Behalf Of Michael Straight
> In the introduction to the Soldier books, Wolfe says his
> treatment of gods
> and spirits comes from a desire to take seriously the way the ancients
> wrote about them, that it is not all just stories told from nobody's
> perspective ("One day on Mt. Olympus, Zeus said to Hera..."),
> but includes
> straightforward accounts of people interacting with the gods, and
> ordering their lives around their worship. Perhaps he feels it is only
> fair, since Christianity takes seriously such accounts by ancient Jews.

FWIW, in an interview available on the "paulduggan.org" site <G>, Wolfe
expresses a belief in the reality of such powers as the pagan gods,
averring that the error was in considering them worthy of worship.

You make Til We Have Faces sound very interesting indeed. I'll have to
check it out.


"What fades in time                           Costello/
will hurt much more"                        Bacharach, "My Thief"

*More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/

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