From: Michael Andre-Driussi <mantis@sirius.com> Subject: (urth) BaD sCienCe Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 21:07:27 I'm trying to think of a major science fiction work in which the sensawunder science has held up . . . I keep thinking of poor old Larry Niven, who was about as close to the non-classified source of Big Science as a fiction writer could be; in one sense he seemed to be in the position of being a "bard of Big Science," hearing the jargon from the white coats, then bringing it down to the common reader like Prometheus carrying fire from the gods to humankind . . . yet "Neutron Star"? RINGWORLD? (Although, as a sop for the topic: the mini-black holes that he used in some short stories are kissing cousins to the sort of black hole I envision at work in Old Sun.) Or Paul Park, who dusted off Tommy Gold's discredited theory on hydrocarbon formation (Park's "sugar rain"), as well as tucking in a few earlier age skiffy artifacts like a car that runs on gunpowder (I thought that Park might have actually thought something up with this item, until I saw a literature survey and learned better). Sharing this trait with Gene Wolfe; maybe Wolfe's motto should be "Never let science get in the way of story." (But with Wolfe I also sense that he is impishly playing with the fickle nature of science vogue.) (Alas! Paul Park left me behind in CELESTIS when he had an orbital beanstalk in place on a tidelocked world, without a breath to spare about the extra kinks that this puts in the engineering exercise . . . I have a hard time seeing a geostationary orbit around a tidelocked world . . . and if the orbital elevator is reaching all the way out to a Trojan Point, well of course I'd like to hear about it.) Has anything held up any better than FRANKENSTEIN, which was written vaguely in the science of its day by a non-scientific wisp of a girl? After being discredited in the early part of the 20th century, has Mary been validated because in the late 20th century it is an everyday occurance to ressurrect the (recently) dead with electrical discharge? It is also peculiar to me that scientists get to "discover" ideas (or claim them or name them, which is perhaps the most important in the end) first laid out in sf. For example, the so-called "Dyson Sphere" is really a Stapledon Light Trap; Martyn Fogg gets to work out the mechanics of "stellificating" Jupiter without a mention of Arthur C. Clarke; etc. Which is fair, in the sense that the scientist is working with his calculator for an afternoon or whatever, figuring out this and that, and furthermore, a supposedly scientific paper will be tarnished by any sort of mention of "inspiration by genre," but still: I think it is a two way street between science and sf, yet it is constantly portrayed as a one way street, or worse, a high tower and a slimy ghetto. Which is true, of course: charlatans and bonefides on both sides. =mantis= *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/