From: "Talarican" <exultnttalarican@mindspring.com> Subject: (urth) D'oh! I can't even get my errors right! Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 20:14:45 <quote> From: Damien Broderick <d.broderick@english.unimelb.edu.au> Subject: Re: (urth) More 5HC Variant texts Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 14:48:24 +1100 ... >>Here is the 1976 Ace version >>Here is the Scribners 1972(?) hardcover edition > >Looks to me like a classic typesetting error first time around, corrected >later. D'oh! My careless reading, as bad as the luckless typesetter's. I stupidly took the first cite as the earlier (on-top-ology recapitulates file-ology). The typo dynamics remain valid, however, as someone else noted. Damien Broderick <unquote> And all this time I thought the paperback was the earlier edition, and it never occurred to me the difference was a simple typo! Do you know, I puzzled over that sentence "all the worlds will be born" for a good fifteen years, until I read the Scribner's version? *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/