From: "Jonathan Laidlow" <LAIDLOJM@hhs.bham.ac.uk> Subject: (urth) Gene Wolfe Symposium update Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 12:04:46 GMT Below is the message I have just sent out to those who have expressed an interest in attending the Gene Wolfe symposium later this month at the University of Birmingham, UK. If there are any other lurkers on the list who are interested in attending, please get in touch. Dear all, I hope you are keeping well, and looking forward to visiting Birmingham on Satuday 26th August for the Gene Wolfe symposium. I just wanted to contact you all and let you know a few more details. The symposium will being around 11am, and we should be serving some coffee from around 10.15 - 10.30 until then. It will take place in the Arts Building, on the 1st floor in the Dept of English at the University of Birmingham. Maps available on request. Travel details also available. Costs? I'm hoping that the Uni will come through with some money to pay for food and some sandwiches at lunchtime, which will make the symposium free. I will update you nearer the time. The abstracts for the symposium are on the web in the Ultan's Library discussion forum on delphi. If any of you can't access this please contact me. The URL is http://www.delphi.com/ultan I'm experimenting with the forum at the moment (tho' nobody wants to post!) as a possible venue for an electronic version of the conference to take place next year. This will allow our brethren outside these Isle to participate, should they want to. You can log in as a 'Guest' and read the posts, thus avoiding registration. There are only 4 papers at present, which is a great shame, so I would expect the symposium to conclude around 4pm. One of these papers will be read aloud by myself, as Dr Nick Gevers is unable to attend due to being on the other side of the world. We are very grateful for his participation despite this. Nigel Price and I are toying with a round table discussion of a certain aspect of Wolfe's work, a certain short story which perhaps we could ask you all to read beforehand. Any suggestions will be gratefully received. Finally, we would like to thank you for your interest in the symposium and ask that if you know of anyone else who might be interested in attending to contact them on our behalf. Message ends. Be seeing you. Jonathan Finally, if you know of anyone else who might be interested -- Jonathan Laidlow Modern Languages Office - German & Italian University of Birmingham Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, England 0121 414 5996 my email not working? tell me on ultan01@yahoo.co.uk *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/