From: Michael Andre-Driussi <mantis@sirius.com> Subject: (urth) sidebar PEACE and "IODDAOS" Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 07:21:16 Nutria wrote: >I don't have the time to do this at all right now, but do you think there >might be a link between Peace and "The Island of Dr. Death"? I'm thinking of >Dr. Black here. Yes, there is a Dr. Black in both. Yes, there are certain points of similarity between the two works: a big old house; a woman and her suitors; a boy who is mostly ignored by the suitors, and who reads a lot, and fictional characters invade his waking life. And there is the dog man. But otherwise they are very different stories <g>. =mantis= *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/