From: Adam Stephanides <adamsteph@earthlink.net> Subject: (urth) PEACE: The visit to Van Ness Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:36:36 I wrote "Weer's narration of the start of the visit has, to me, a dreamlike quality". For the sake of completeness, I might as well state what makes me say this. 1. At the starts of the "visiting the doctor" segment, Weer says: "It is important, going to the doctor. Even in some mad way more important than a board meeting." (3, H & R). What is "mad" about it? 2. Later in this paragraph we have: "Margaret tosses down her copy and goes in to see the doctor, and I know, somehow, that this is a mark of contempt." (3) This may mean no more than what it says, that Weer knows that Margaret is contemptuous but can't verbalize why. But it is reminiscent of that dream-thinking when you "know," with no rational basis, that something signifies something. 3. Shortly afterwards, there is this exchange between Weer and the nurse: "Please, I've got to see the doctor. I'm dying." The nurse: "All these people are ahead of you." Ted Singer and Sherry Gold are both obviously much younger than I, but there is no use arguing with that kind of thing. (4) Weer is uncharacteristically obtuse here (I can't recall any similar instances). All these lapses in logic suggest to me that Weer is not fully in command of his thoughts in this passage. --Adam *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/