From: Paul C Duggan <pduggan@world.std.com> Subject: (urth) Memory RNA Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 08:51:39 My mom actually did some of those experiments with earthworms back when she worked as an animal psychologist. The effect seems to be illusory, and it is very difficult to really even say a planarian has "learned" to run a T-maze. (Planarians are, you might imagine, pretty dumb, and whether they even go the "right" way with training is statisticly dubious. Wolfe is thinking of communion too, but the Vodalian alzabo feast is pretty much an anti-communion, innit? "I am an impure thinker. I am hurt, swayed, shaken, | paul + | + elated, disillusioned, shocked, comforted, and I | --|-- have to transmit my mental experiences lest I die." | + | + -- Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy | pduggan@world.std.com *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/