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From: PMorris33@aol.com
Subject: (urth) Re: Digest urth.v030.n169
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 06:23:43 EDT

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Yes, I've been fascinated all this last year, by the Peter Hamilton trilogy.  
I'm curious though, I can't think of a Larry Niven"Ringworld" structure among 
the many environments in Hamilton's fictional universe.  Could you be more 


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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><FONT  SIZE=2>Yes, I've been fascinated all this last year, by the Peter Hamilton trilogy. &nbsp;
<BR>I'm curious though, I can't think of a Larry Niven"Ringworld" structure among 
<BR>the many environments in Hamilton's fictional universe. &nbsp;Could you be more 


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