From: "Dan'l Danehy-Oakes" <ddanehy@siebel.com> Subject: (urth) Some General Notes on Style Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 09:56:46 I don't know what to _do_ with this. It will probably turn up in some form in a future book review. But I thought I'd toss it out for comment. This is, basically, an early report on something that I've been pondering for some time and which I am beginning to formulate. I think I've come to the conclusion that there are at least two kinds of writing I call "good" -- or, rather, these two "kinds" probably represent points on a spectrum, probably the points which I find most attractive. The first is the kind represented by Wolfe, Delany, and their ilk; the second by (most characteristically) Heinlein. There is going to be a tendency to turn my spectrum into a hierarchy, so let me state up front that I am _not_ suggesting that the first kind is the better. At any rate: it seems to have a lot to do with the amount and kind of energy required of the reader. Type 1 writing requires that the reader stop, sometimes after each sentence, and ponder. Some sentences will be incomprehensible without this; some will have multiple levels of meaning which will reveal themselves only after such pondering; and some will be comprehensible, or yield their full levels of meaning, only if you've done such pondering about _other_ sentences in the text. (A good, if unusually simple, example of this last is the final sentence of James Tiptree's novella "The Women Men Don't See.") As a result, the reader spends a fair amount of energy in, so to speak, starting and stopping. Type 2 writing basically drives the reader forward. The amount of energy the reader spends is, thus, characteristically less -- the reader is allowed (encouraged) to build up momentum and plow on through the book. You can do things in each "type" that are not easily done in the other -- type 1 seems to allow for a great deal of subtlety which type 2 would tend to undermine, while type 2 seems to allow for a kind of narrative energy which type 1 would tend to subvert. On the other hand, you can use the techniques of each type in the others: indeed, even a very "type 1" book would seem to demand that its more dramatic scenes be ratcheted a few notches toward type 2, lest their impact be totally dissipated, while a type 2 book allows the writer to plant little bombs of the sort Heinlein loved (frequently, a subtle reference to his protagonist's ethnic background, as in, at least, STARSHIP TROOPERS, FRIDAY, and THE CAT WHO WALKS THROUGH WALLS). --Dan'l *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/