Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2002 19:41:56 -0600 Subject: Re: (urth) The Best Introduction to the Mountains From: Adam Stephanideson 2/6/02 5:10 PM, Thomas Bitterman at tom@bitterman.net wrote: > The RCC is pretty picky about things that are merely "teachings" but not > dogma. Note > the animosity between the Pope and many American Catholics on birth > control. Given > Wolfe's conservative nature it seems reasonable to believe he submits to > most teachings. There are plenty of conservative Catholics who believe that abolishing the Latin mass was a mistake. > Adam Stephanides wrote: > >> You quoted the Encyclopedia earlier as quoting Aquinas describing a "a >> tyrannical law" as "not being according to reason." I don't see that the >> rulers of Dorp fall under this definition. They're corrupt and unjust, but >> probably no worse than the average medieval ruler or lord; and presumably >> Aquinas would not give a definition of tyranny which would justify rebellion >> against most rulers. >> > That's debatable. Church-state relationships were hardly cozy during > the period that Aquinas > wrote. The fact that most (if not all) medieval rulers were unjust was > a handy weapon for the > Pope in those fights. While there was rivalry between secular and ecclesiastical authority in the middle ages, the Church had no desire to propound a theory which would give peasants a generalized right to rebel. Most bishops and abbots were from the nobility, and many exercised temporal lordship in their own right (including the Pope). > You give good reasons. I would view Silk, however, in the role of the > RCC, not as an > ordinary member of society. As the representative of the Outsider on > the Whorl (ie, as > the representative of God on Earth) he holds ultimate decision-making > power over > whether a government is legitimate or not. In short (in Whorl terms), > the theory is > that all government ultimately derives its authority from the Outsider. > In most > cases that authority is implicitly granted by the mere fact of the > authoritiy's existence. > That does not change the fact, however, that the Outsider (or a suitable > representative) > can de-legitimize any authority by withdrawing his support. Hence, > Silkhorn is not > bound by the rules against rebellion becuase he is not rebelling. He is > removing the moral authority underneath the government, making it > tyrannical by fiat, so to speak. This is an ingenious argument, but I don't think Silkhorn is the representative of the Outsider on the Whorl. To be sure, Silk was enlightened, and given a mission from the Outsider, but that doesn't make him equivalent to the Pope (if it did, he presumably wouldn't have shut himself up in a hut with Hyacinth for twenty years). Nor are we intended to take his words as divinely inspired a la an Old Testament prophet. Silk certainly doesn't think of himself in these terms. A fortiori this holds for Silkhorn. --Adam --