From: "Steve Strickland"Subject: Re: (urth) pronunciation Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 11:40:30 -0600 Does anyone know the correct pronunciations of Drotte (Draht?), Roche (Rohsh or Rohch or Rawsh?) and Eata (Eetah?)? Steve Strickland ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andy Robertson" To: Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 6:29 AM Subject: (urth) Re: race in Wolfe > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Michael Andre-Driussi" > > >url: http://www.ultan.co.uk > > > > FWIW I read the essay and enjoyed it. It is mainly about things and issues > > surrounding Colonizer/Colonized, a reading of 5HC that addresses > > Colonialism. It starts off with a survey of what has been written over the > > years on this aspect of 5HC. Using this to set the context, Wright then > > goes further than any have dared before. > > Interesting. > > I note one thing. Wright casually uses the term "white" for coloniser, but > what is notable about TFHOC is that the colonised "abos" such as Sandwalker > are very white physically. ((If these are abos and not humans imitating > abos.)) > > Wolfe is in fact quite notable for making the poor and oppressed in his > books be specifically poor whites. > > I do not mean that there are not occasional cameos by those of other > ethnicity, but that his books are relatively free from PC pantomimes of > ethnic white guilt. It is usually whites who are the oppressed and > persecuted. > > Has anyone given any seriouss thought to the treatment of race in Wolfe? > > hartshorn > > > > > -- --