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From: "Alice K. Turner" 
Subject: Re: (urth) color change in azoth and other stuff
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 09:54:33 -0500

From Marc Arimani:

> On a very different note, I know that John Crowley is coming out with a
> mainstream book called the Translator later this year, but amazon.com also
> Otherwise: Three novels of John Crowley slated for release as well, but
> don't name the novels.  Does anybody have any idea which books are going
to be
> included in that upcoming collection (or when the last Aegypt book will be
> out?)

The three are Crowley's short early books: The Deep, Beasts and Engine
Summer. They have been omnibused before, by Bantam. The Translator isn't
quite mainstream, though it's being marketed that way and it's comfortable
that way. As a guess, the last Aegypt book will be next year; it's going to
be much shorter than the previous ones. Maybe 2004. I know Crowley wants to
wind up the series, and who can blame him.



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