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Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 21:40:24 -0700
From: maa32 
Subject: (urth) hyacinth flower

Hey, has anybody interpreted that passage at the end of Return to the Whorl 
from the chrasmologic writings which talks about the trampled Hyacinth 
blooming beneath the shepherd's heel in detail? I was just thinking how nicely 
the story of Hyacinthus and the quotation fits in with my "people recombine 
with plants" theory. Perhaps the greatest hope for the human race is to become 
these vegetative men.  Hyacinth, or whatever s/he represents, blooms as a 
flower.  Perhaps these recombinations offer some hope for destitute humanity, 
crushed under the tyranny of wicked men.  It seems to me that the passage 
aptly states that a definite hope for a return from doom lies in the 
transformation to ever-blooming flora.  In which case the statement that "Horn 
has not failed us" gains new meaning: not only did he bring back Silk, he 
saved (and ultimately transformed) the human race from its own wickedness by 
granting the Vanished People the right to return.  Yet the oracle with Olivine 
seemed negative about the whole thing, with double darkness veiling the sky of 
Blue and the imminent return of Pas ... how would the flower-children deal 
with Father Pas? I'm just not sure that my hypothesized hybridization is good 
in the long run ... what appeared to be so straightforward about this book 
(it's moral message) might not even be that clear ... Silk can't redeem a 
humanity that doesn't want to be redeemed ... can carnivorous trees create a 
new humanity worthy of being saved? ... or will the hybrids be worse?  It 
would seem that they would be better for one generation, from the discussion 
of hybrids in chapter 1 of On Blue's Waters ... but their children ... hmmm. I 
just thought that final passage of the writings put an interesting spin on the 
transmutation of man into plant. bwa ha ha. (And no one can deny that the 
passage in question is somehow of ultimate importance).
Marc Aramini


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