Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 09:34:51 -0800 From: Michael Andre-DriussiSubject: (urth) Green, possible worldship Another possibility that I don't think we ever discussed around here is that Green might be so far removed from "nature" that, rather than thinking of it as a world or a terraformed world, we might think of it as a worldship ala Yesod, perhaps a smaller version . . . somewhere between starship Tzadkiel and worldship Yesod. Because, for example, in reading Paul Park's "Starbridge Chronicles," there was enough orbital information for me to figure out that the planet of the romance was one of the outer gas giants of our solar system. Yet the movement of the world called "Paradise" was so erratic as to be a worldship. (This was confirmed in an interview with Park: Paradise is the Moon fitted out with a space drive, tooling around the system.) In Wolfe's case we have clear indications of ships being surprisingly big: the miracle of Apu-Punchau produced by the Ship's shadow, the worldship Yesod, etc. If Green is a worldship, then we could remove many of the constraints we have on it, but those same constraints provide the bricks with which we build and test theories about Green. =mantis= --