Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 11:16:41 -0500 (EST) From: Michael StraightSubject: (urth) Space Vampires from the Green Planet! Regarding the similarity of Urth and Blue/Green lifeforms and their ability to eat each other, this is an old standard convention in science fiction. Let's remember that the Short Sun series are, among many other things, Wolfe's take on the pulp planetary exploration novels complete with Vampires from Outer Space! In these novels, the fauna from other planets are just like ours, with extra limbs or two heads or blue fur. See also Star Trek. Many otherwise "hard" science-fiction novels gloss over having Earth-like plants and animals on other planets. Some, like Larry Niven come up with some kind of justification for it (planets all seeded by earlier space empire), others just ignore the question. In general, if the characters don't bring up the unlikelihood of other planets having such similar plants and animals, you're just supposed to ignore it and get on with the story. Given these conventions, I think Wolfe is using the extra limbs to denote alien-ness, while the similarity of life allows for low-tech colonists and monsters that suck their blood. (Note also that the colonists had to bring their own crops. They aren't able to subsist only on the native Bluvian crops.) -Rostrum --