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Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 16:46:43 -0600
From: James Jordan 
Subject: RE: (urth) Seventeen

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At 11:12 AM 3/27/2002, you wrote:
>See http://pages.globetrotter.net/sdesr/nu17.htm for a multitude of
>significances (biblical and otherwise) of the number seventeen.

         Correction to the above: The 17 nations are in Acts 2, not Romans 2.
         Otherwise, there are a number of occurances of 17 in the Bible, 
particularly in the Psalter. Books 3 and 4 of the Psalter each have 17 
psalms, for instance. But as with the 17 nations, these occurances are not 
obvious unless you take the time to count or calculate. The 153 fishes of 
John 21 are the triangular of 17, which for those of you who don't know, is 
17+16+15+14...+1. Lay out 17 dots, then below it 16, below that 15, etc., 
and you get a triangle. That's ancient math, not "modern math"! (666, btw, 
is the triangular of 36 [=6x6].) Cool, huh?
         The number adds 7 and 10, both of which are numbers of 
completeness or totality in the bible. Added together, they form a symbol 
of complete completeness.
         Who knows where Wolfe "got" it? He might have been thinking of 17 
as 7 + 10, as above; or something else entirely. Unless he's a more avid 
Bible scholar than I think he is, I doubt if anything else from the Bible 
is in view. (Though I bet he'd really get off on those triangular numbers!)

Patera Nutria

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At 11:12 AM 3/27/2002, you wrote:
See http://pages.globetrotter.net/sdesr/nu17.htm for a multitude of
significances (biblical and otherwise) of the number seventeen.

        Correction to the above: The 17 nations are in Acts 2, not Romans 2.
        Otherwise, there are a number of occurances of 17 in the Bible, particularly in the Psalter. Books 3 and 4 of the Psalter each have 17 ps        The number adds 7 and 10, both of which are numbers of completeness or totality in the bible. Added together, they form a symbol of compl        Who knows where Wolfe "got" it? He might have been thinking of 17 as 7 + 10, as above; or something else entirely. Unless he's Patera Nutria

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