From: "Matthew Davis"Subject: (urth) More Crowley "Translator" items Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 20:04:51 +0100 I would post this at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/johncrowleyreaders but I can't even access it, so my apologies if this is irrelevant. There's a review of "the Translator" and short interview of Crowley by Elizabeth Hand in this week's Village Voice http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0215/hand.php A transcript of a Q&A session with Crowley from a couple of weeks ago - not least, discussing plans for further reissues by his current publisher http://www.readerville.com/WebX?14@106.GFMDagFVerI^1@.f1e054c/0 Crowley did a radio commentary last week http://search1.npr.org/opt/collections/torched/atc/data_atc/seg_141054.htm There's a short article by Crowley in this weeks Washington Post (at the bottom of the page) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A62470-2002Apr4.html And if anyone's much fussed I've started rounding up stuff on Crowley at the site below: bibliographies, biography, links, etc. It's rather rudimentary at the moment but there should be more soon on his short stories, including a couple of very early ones which seem to have gone unnoticed, and also a matrix of online references for AEgypt - literary, artists, theology, historical, geography, etc. http://www.michaelscycles.freeserve.co.uk/crowl1.htm --