Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:30:45 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael StraightSubject: Re: (urth) time bending headache On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, maa32 wrote: > I (half in levity, I admit) yesterday said something about sending > horn a year into the past into Silk's body to finish up the healing, > possibly leaving his home on Blue and Silk's home at the same time. > This gave me such a headache that I got sick thinking about it: if > Horn is transplanted into Babbie, then Horn can possibly be helping > himself on the boat in Babbie, and he can see his own intelligence in > the eyes of the beast. The headache was only beginning. Could > Horn/Silk be writing about the things that happened to Horn as they > happened, or even slightly before? ARGH. While I don't buy this theory (I think Wolfe would have done a little more with the concept if this was truly going on), I think it's my favorite of your theories. The idea of Silk writing about Horn's adventures while they're happening is pretty neat. -Rostrum --