Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 23:16:34 -0400 From: "Kevin J. Maroney"Subject: Re: (urth) Wash Post article At 12:41 AM 4/11/02, Nick wrote: >5HC is >perforce the best one-volume introduction to Wolfe's >SF oeuvre. I agree with this, and have been using it as such for the last 15 years. It is neither Wolfe's best nor worst, nor his "most typical" (is there such a thing for Wolfe?), but if someone reads and enjoys _Fifth Head_, that person is likely to enjoy other Wolfe, and if not, they are unlikely to enjoy other Wolfe much more. When _Fifth Head_ was out of print, I made it a point to buy Ace copies whenever I saw them, to pass on to people who hadn't jumped into Wolfe yet. >BUT: in the context of the >whole Urth/Whorl series, there is too much resonance >with 5HC to be ignored. Numbering _Fifth Head_ as part of "the Briah cycle", as you did in your article, is misleading and, frankly, wrong. There is no plot, character, or setting connection between _Fifth Head_ and the various _Sun_ novels, and calling it such sets up expectations in a new reader which I feel will not be met. Does it resonate with the other novels? Yes, but so does "Seven American Nights"; that doesn't make "Seven American Nights" part of "the Briah cycle". -- Kevin J. Maroney | kjm@panix.com | Games are my entire waking life --