From: "Dan'l Danehy-Oakes"Subject: (urth) A Sad Loss Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:58:26 -0700 The dedication to THE FIFTH HEAD OF CERBERUS reads: To Damon Knight, who one well-remembered June evening in 1966 grew me from a bean. I have no idea what that means, but I know that if it were not for Knight's ORBIT series or original anthologies, we might not have Gene Wolfe - we might not, that is, have the Gene Wolfe we know & love; I am sure that his talent would have blossomed somewhere, but it might not have been in the genre of SF/F. And, of course, Let us then observe a moment of silence and, for those of us who do such things, prayer. Damon Knight is dead. --A Very Depressed Blattid --