From: "Roy C. Lackey"Subject: Re: (urth) Scylla, Oreb and transmigrational chain yanking Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 02:16:22 -0500 hartshorn wrote: >I won't comment on the Pharasees/Saducsees debate, but I will note one other >thing about Wolfe. Apparently machines - computer, Taloses, Solders and >chems - are themselves to be redemeed, and become children of God. I know you are presenting what seems to be Wolfe's viewpoint, not your own. First of all, redeemed from what, exactly? Original Sin? For a Christian who subscribes to that doctrine (as all, I assume, must; otherwise what need of a "Savior"?), that's a rather queer notion. I mean, the progeny of Eve, even unto the nth generation, cut off from the Tree of Life and cursed to live by the sweat of their brows, are all doomed by the nature of their flesh--the perils and temptations and foibles attendant upon it--to live out their lives as best they may, then to die. After death they are to be judged, and rewarded or punished eternally, according to how well they acquitted themselves while alive and in the flesh. That flesh is subject, by definition, directly to Lust and Gluttony and, indirectly, to others of the Deadly Sins. It is very hard, if not impossible, to "sin" in any way that is not reducible, ultimately, to the animal nature of the species. For a non-corporeal entity (never mind where the "soul" came from) to be held to the same standards as one of flesh and blood, strikes me as, well, . . . unfair, to say the least. It's easy to be a "saint" when it can't be helped. Has your PC ever lusted after an iMac? Have you ever known a robot who spent the rent money on wine, women, and the horses? Where is the virtue of resisting temptations one isn't even subject to? Look at Hammerstone; he had his basic, factory-issue value system changed by an ignorant priest with a screwdriver! Talk about an epiphany! Did that augur save that Iron Man's soul with his meddling, or doom him to hell when he got some wires crossed? -Roy --