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Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 08:30:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Phoebe Davis 
Subject: Re: (urth) Re: Scylla & Oreb

The statement seems to imply that Choughs were protected before a drop in population was
noted - which would certainly be delightful if true.  Certainly more romantic than
practical as you suggest.  Although I can think of one instance of a non threatened
species being protected for religious reasons... not that I want to trample on anyone's
sacred cows of course.  


--- matthew.malthouse@guardian.co.uk wrote:
> On 19/04/2002 19:31:54 Phoebe Davis wrote:
> >http://www.fishing-in-wales.com/wildlife/birds/chough.htm.  They are in
> >the crow - or corvid -family.  I discovered that the chough (pronouced
> >chuff)is a protected species in Wales because the soul of King Arthur
> >migrated into a chough at his death.
> We may hang on to our traditions with unwonted tenacity and excessive
> sentiment upon occasion but the real reason the Chough is a protected
> species is 'cause there ain't that many of 'em left.  ;-)
> Matthew
> -- 

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