Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 21:38:01 -0500 From: Jeff WilsonSubject: (urth) Prehsitoric Starcrossers > From: > "Tony Ellis" > Jeff Wilson wrote: > >How do you explain the remarkable similarity of form and the ability > >to interbreed, then? > > Remarkable similarity of form to, and ability to interbreed with, human > beings, you mean? The explanation is that abos -are- human beings. They are > the descendants of prehistoric colonists from Earth. Wolfe goes out of his > way to prime us with this idea in all three novellas in 5HC, and that's good > enough for me. I'll bite; how did the prehistoric societies travel the stars without leaving any hint of their ability to do so in either the story or the archaeological record? -- Jeff Wilson How Am I Posting? 1-800-555-6789 "If your SecOp can see you, so can the enemy." -Cpt Law --