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Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 23:38:24 -0500
From: Jeff Wilson 
Subject: Re: (urth) Prehistoric Starcrossers

> From: "Filipe Silva" 

> In answer to:
> "how did the prehistoric societies travel the stars without
> leaving any hint of their ability to do so in either the story or the
> archaeological record?"
> It is possible to travel through ether leaving your physical form in the same
> place. Such phenomenon is called travel in the Jinas form (Hindostanic root).
> Any esoterist will acknowledge this. Mayan people did it all the time. 

	This I've heard of, but it is not specifically mentioned in the story,
and it would contradict the dependency the abos have on their physical
bodies. "A Story" has ghosts and the Wise Old One, but they are
ultimately dependent on abos with physical, living bodies for influence. 

> Well
> evidences - you'll acknowledge that our civilization is crossing a Iron period
> where animal emotions rule our ways. Advanced men do not flatter
> themselves. Old civs did left evidence of their ways (in stone for instance) but
> we are in such a primary degenerate state comparing to them that we cannot
> see the obvious anymore - even with crude physical eyes. Periodic
> cataclysms like the one that struck Atlantis and before that Lemuria are
> meant to clean up "mankind" (in Lemuria men weren't exactly like we are
> nowadays). Our civilization time is ending - I wouldn't like to get much into
> eschatology - but lets go peacefully knowing that from our ashes others will
> arise - stronger and bond to have higher virtues.

	But doesn't Jinas travel confound this process of catclysmic
refinement? It lets the old, unimproved races escape their purification
by traveling to other planets, where they endure to late mingle with and
contaminate the successive civilizations' "higher virtues."

Jeff Wilson
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