Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 12:25:28 +1000 (EST) From: David DuffySubject: (urth) Re: Digest from urth@urth.net > Well, an important point, which should not be glossed over, is > Severian's experience with Loyal to the Group of Seventeen. [Despite] > control techniques available to the rulers of Ascians, the human > spirit, so to speak, perseveres. The Ascians are not utterly-lost Has anyone mentioned this is a response/riposte to Orwell and Nuspeak? | David Duffy (MBBS PhD) ,-_|\ | email: davidD@qimr.edu.au ph: INT+61+7+3362-0217 fax: -0101 / * | Epidemiology Unit, Queensland Institute of Medical Research \_,-._/ | 300 Herston Rd, Brisbane, Queensland 4029, Australia GPG 4D0B994A v --