From: matthew.malthouse@guardian.co.uk Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 08:14:14 +0100 Subject: Re: (urth) Some problems if the Pancreator/Outsider is theHoly On 11/06/2002 06:58:32 Roy C. Lackey wrote: >In addition to the objections raised by others, there are all those stories >in the Brown Book, clearly recognizable to students of Classical mythology >as founded on Earth's mythology. It also contains a direct quote from >Genesis, and another from Marlowe's FAUSTUS. No. No. No. Urth is in our >Earth's far future. > >Facts aside, as well as theological difficulties, the notion of Severian, >turning water into wine, being baptized, dying and being resurrected, a >world savior, etc., in a previous iteration of creation, makes him the >prototype for Jesus. Kind of cheapens the whole Holy Spectacle, doesn't it? >Putting the cart before the horse. > >Not to mention it plays hell with Nick Gevers' idea of placing 5HC in the >SUN universe. A separate creation with an Earth, complete with Ireland, >Scotland, Wales, and New York City, DAVID COPPERFIELD, and Catholic saints >(all mentioned in the text), stretches credulity past all endurance. I agree. The internal evidence of tBotNS is only consistant with it being set in the very far future. I'd be curious to know if the external statements were delivered ex-cathedra or if they were accompanied by any explanation or rational that gives reason for the change. I have to suspect pure mischief. Matthew --