Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 07:27:13 -0500 From: Andrew ReevesSubject: Re: (urth) Thoughts on Undines, and other ramblings "Alice K. Turner" wrote: > >From newbie Andrew: > > First, welcome, and prepare to be attacked at once! (Or slimed, heh heh= .) > That's the fun of mailing lists and NG's, is it not? :) > They are *not* the main villains of the Briah universe. > My mistake. Perhaps I ought to have called them the main villains on Urt= h, the folks who are going for the enslavement of mankind. > -They are basically shaped like homo sapiens that never stop growing an= d > can breathe under water. > > They are shaped like women. They are taken from German mythology: water > nymphs. The original Undine was created without a soul, married a morta= l, > had a baby, gained a soul and its attendant woes. (Andersen took off on= this > in his original "Little Mermaid" story, as I'm sure you'll recognize.) = It's > Baldanders that never stops growing; there's no indication that the und= ines > don't have a limit, though it's a large one. > > -They've been on Urth since around the time of Typhon, and were likely > brought by Scylla (can't remember her human name, and the book's not > handy) or an associate of hers, as related in Jonas's tale. > > Not necessarily; they seem to have resources of their own ("swimming be= tween > the stars"). > I'm aware that they have greater capabilities than movement through physi= cal space, but there's still some connection between them and Typhon's daught= er that I (with very few readings under my belt) cannot quite piece together. Di= d Jonas's story mention whether the beans will stop growing? > -There appears to be at least one on Blue. > > The Mother is not an undine, if that's what you're referring to. Nor is > Seawrack. If there is an undine on Blue, I don't recall her, though one > could turn up--see above. > Maybe the other is not an Undine per se, but she definitely has some relationship to Abaia, Erebus, and Typhon's sprat, otherwise Silkhorn wou= ldn't have needed to make the trip to Urth to begin with. > -They're really into high tech and enslaving humanity (viz. Baldanders > and the Ascians). They are the brains behind the Ascians. > > No, no and no. Erebus and Abaia, different entities entirely, perform t= hose > functions. There's a hint that the undines are handmaidens or concubine= s to > them, but it could be myth and I doubt that it could be proved. The und= ines > seem mostly hedonistic, with infrequent moments of conscience. Some of = them > (Idas) are clearly in the enemy camp. But Gunnie attacks Sev too! > My mistake. How about wording it, "Erebus, Abaia, and their Undine minio= ns?" > >All of the above still leave a whole lot of questions. The first of > these is the rather blas=E9 attitudes of Silkhorn and Severian near the > end of their series when actually meeting a representative of them. > When Severian meets Juturna underwater (if it's not a dream), he > basically gives her a tip of the hat and moves on. Later, when Silkhor= n > projects to Urth, he basically says, "Hey, I really dig Seawrack, tell > me how to find her." Now, both of these men are Gene Wolfe's attempt t= o > draw saintly, Christian figures. I would think that such figures would > have severe reservations about the way they dealt with such beings. Of > course, Silkhorn doesn't really know the pedigree of our giants, but I > would think that the first thing Severian would do when he realized tha= t > he has Godlike powers would be to try and find Erebus, Abaia et al and > finish them for good so that humankind could begin to climb back from > the level of hunter-gatherers without interference. But then again, > since the Green Man doesn't indicate that Abaia and Erebus are a proble= m > (and forms non-Maoist sentences), perhaps someone else has. > > Sev's not so saintly. And his powers are limited--he can't go around > blasting Ascian armies like one of Yaweh's apparatchik thugs...er, sorr= y, > Ratty, avenging angels. And I would imagine they're well protected. It = is > definitely an untied thread to the first series though: as water-bound > beings I would think they'd be thrilled with the drowned Ushas. That always troubled me as well. Yeah, I know Sev can't do anything like= shoot energy bolts, but he really ought to try and do *something*. > Don't think Scylla did any such thing. So who *was* the girl in Jonas's story? And what then were the beans? I= t always seemed to me to fit neatly in with the rest of the cycle, especial= ly after we found out that there's definitlely a relationship between Blue's= Mother and Erebus and Abaia. > Undines however *can* swim through > the universe, and time, a la Brook Madrigot. Human spaceships must obey= the > laws of our universe, however. For some reason, this all makes sense to= me. > Yabbut, again, Jonas's tale plus events of _Short Sun_ indicate that *som= ething* is going on between that bratty daughter of Typhon's and the great monste= rs in the sea. What it is, I don't know, but it's there, and *seems* to fit in= well w/ Jonas's tale. > One final ramble: By the end of our series, Severian is but one AU fro= m > the source of his power, and is probably going to have a hard time > dying, even of old age. He may grow really, really bored. > > What is an AU? > Astronomical Unit. The distance between earth and the sun. --