Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 08:31:01 -0700 From: Michael Andre-DriussiSubject: (urth) Silk-23 apology I apologize for bringing up the whole "Silk-23" thing. I never intended it to take the place of the "submerged Silk, hidden in plain sight" reading, which I readily admit is much stronger and the best candidate. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I do know that I did not want to debate anything about LS/SS. I have not re-read LS/SS since the last discussion; I am not now re-reading; I have no plans to re-read in the near future. I have not taken notes, I have no essays written, nor plans for essays. So I am not in a position, nor an inclination, to discuss. So it was foolish of me to post such messages. And I apologize for this foolishness. If it could be "stricken from the record" I would gladly do it. A few weeks ago I located and read "Thou Spark of Blood," and I thought of posting a message about that, but why? Just to brag about reading it? No (at least I like to think that wouldn't be the case) -- just to share notes about it. But who cares? It is hard to get, few are inclined to make an attempt, and it probably isn't worth the effort to get it and read it. LS/SS is where the action is, and I count myself out of that material. =mantis= Sirius Fiction booklets on Gene Wolfe, John Crowley 30 copies of "Snake's-hands" until OP! http://www.siriusfiction.com/ --