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Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 15:52:44 -0500
From: James Jordan 
Subject: Re: (urth) Heavy Hyacinth

At 02:02 PM 9/9/2002, you wrote:

>James Jordan writes:
> > We can always fall back on thematic rather than literal
> > associations. If the name Hyacinth is also a pointer to
> > Apollo, this relationship stands without her having to
> > be a male.
>Silk:Jesus::Hyacinth::Mary Magdelene?
>I realize this is a bit obvious.  Still, it could fit into an
>overall pattern where Wolfe sends Christ-types on "alternate
>history" style adventures.  Here the variant is "What would have
>happened had Christ become a rabbi and married Mary Magdelene?"

Oh, no doubt about it. I don't think it's so much the "what if" as it is 
that the penitent Magdelene has always been a symbol of the Church. She is 
the new Eve who encounters the New Gardener in the New Garden in John's gospel.



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